Forest StewardshipForestland on Whidbey is one of our prized natural resources. Our 52 mile island highway is lined with trees. Nestled in the woods are many houses, shops, and businesses, cozy and hidden in evergreen privacy. We are here to support landowners in sustainably managing and conserving private forestland for future generations to enjoy.
Forest stewardship means recognizing that a healthy forest is about more than trees – our forests are an interactive community of plants, animals, soil, and water. If you’re a forest landowner, you may enjoy your forest property daily as a permanent residence, or you may own it as a family investment. Either way, when you walk your forest, questions can understandably come up. Is your forest healthy? How can it be managed to ensure it’s health into the future? To get started, check out our top three resource guides, and dive deeper with our Resource Hub and partner organizations shared below. Forest Stewardship
WICD Forest StewardshipForestry Calendar |
WSU Ext. FoRestry & WA Dept. of Natural Resources
Washington State University Extension's Puget Sound Forest Stewardship Program has a host of fantastic forestry education and landowner resources.
WSU Extension Forestry has developed and maintains a "Forester & Silvicultural Contractor Directory" for landowners in the Puget Sound region. A consulting forester provides professional forest management services to landowners, while a silvicultural contractor provides the labor and equipment to perform forest management tasks, including site preparation, tree planting, vegetation control, pre-commercial thinning, slash disposal, etc. This searchable online directory is state-wide in scope and up-to-date. You can hire a consulting forester to help you develop your forest management plan.
WSU Extension Forestry has developed and maintains a "Forester & Silvicultural Contractor Directory" for landowners in the Puget Sound region. A consulting forester provides professional forest management services to landowners, while a silvicultural contractor provides the labor and equipment to perform forest management tasks, including site preparation, tree planting, vegetation control, pre-commercial thinning, slash disposal, etc. This searchable online directory is state-wide in scope and up-to-date. You can hire a consulting forester to help you develop your forest management plan.
- Program Contact for Additional Questions
- WSU Extension Forestry North Puget Sound Region
- WSU Forestry has a host of online learning modules
- Check out upcoming forestry classes
- Check out the extensive forestry resource online library
- Sign up for the WSU Extension Puget Sound Forest Stewardship E-Newsletter
- Check out WSU Ext.'s YouTube Forestry Channel
Washington State Department of Natural Resources maintains a Small Forest Landowner Office providing forest owners technical and financial assistance. Contact a Stewardship Forester for added guidance and professional expertise that compliment partners like the WSU Extension Forestry and local conservation district planning staff.
Program Contact: Find your Forester
Program Contact: Find your Forester
DNR also offers phone consultations from their Small Forest Landowner Regulation Assistance Foresters on forest practices permitting. If you're contemplating or preparing for any type of forest practice, such as thinning your trees to gain income, or a final harvest of a stand of trees, you'll want to contact a forest practices permitting forester. Their Forest Practices Illustrated Guide provides a good orientation to your responsibilities as a forest landowner.
Washington Dept. of Revenue & Island County Assessor
Designated Forest Land Program
In addition to scenic and recreational spaces, healthy forests provide an enhanced water supply, reduced soil erosion, storm and flood control damage, habitat for wild game, employment opportunities, and raw materials. To encourage commercial forestry in Washington State, landowners may have their land designated as forest land. This designated often results in a lower assessed value and lower taxes. The Designated Forest Land Program is managed by the Island County Assessor's Department and is a program overseen by the Washington State Department of Revenue.
To be eligible, a property must be 5 or more acres, or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total five or more acres, and be devoted primarily to the growing and harvesting of timber. Designated forest land does not include a residential home site. The term includes land used for incidental uses that are compatible with the growing and harvesting of timber, but no more than ten percent (10%) of the land may be used for such incidental uses.
Designated Forest Land Contact at Island County:
David Guy, Assessor
[email protected]
(360) 678-2325
Designated Forest Land Program
In addition to scenic and recreational spaces, healthy forests provide an enhanced water supply, reduced soil erosion, storm and flood control damage, habitat for wild game, employment opportunities, and raw materials. To encourage commercial forestry in Washington State, landowners may have their land designated as forest land. This designated often results in a lower assessed value and lower taxes. The Designated Forest Land Program is managed by the Island County Assessor's Department and is a program overseen by the Washington State Department of Revenue.
To be eligible, a property must be 5 or more acres, or multiple parcels of land that are contiguous and total five or more acres, and be devoted primarily to the growing and harvesting of timber. Designated forest land does not include a residential home site. The term includes land used for incidental uses that are compatible with the growing and harvesting of timber, but no more than ten percent (10%) of the land may be used for such incidental uses.
- Learn more about eligibility
- Designated Forest Land Program Requirements
- Guidelines for Timber Management Plans
- Island County Assessor Current Use Exemptions
- WSU Forestry Management Plan Template
- WSU Forestry Management Plan Sample
- WA State Forestland Valuation - RCW 84.33.140
Designated Forest Land Contact at Island County:
David Guy, Assessor
[email protected]
(360) 678-2325
Island County Public Benefit Open Space
The Public Benefit Open Space Rating System is part of the Open Space Taxation Act, too, and is administered by the Island County Planning Department. The Open Space Taxation Act, enacted in 1970, allows property owners to have their open space valued at their current use rather than at their highest and best use. The Act states that it is in the best interest of the state to maintain, preserve, conserve, and otherwise continue in existence adequate open space lands for the production of food, fiber, and forest crops and to assure the use and enjoyment of natural resources and scenic beauty for the economic and social well-being of the state and its citizens.
Island County Code Chapter 3.40, in addition to state law, governs the Public Benefits Rating System (PBRS) program in Island County. To be eligible, a property must be at least 5 acres in size and contain at least 1 open space resource. If a property includes a residence, a minimum of one 1 acre of the property, inclusive of the home-site, will not be eligible for PBRS enrollment. Read the reference guide below to learn more about open space resources. Unlike the Farm and Agriculture classification administered by the Island County Assessor, there are no income requirements for this program, rather, what open space elements are present on the property contribute to a point value that ultimately leads to a specific reduced valuation if your application is accepted.
Public Benefit Rating System Contact at Island County:
Jonathan Lange
Island County Planning Department Manager
[email protected]
(360) 678-7821
The Public Benefit Open Space Rating System is part of the Open Space Taxation Act, too, and is administered by the Island County Planning Department. The Open Space Taxation Act, enacted in 1970, allows property owners to have their open space valued at their current use rather than at their highest and best use. The Act states that it is in the best interest of the state to maintain, preserve, conserve, and otherwise continue in existence adequate open space lands for the production of food, fiber, and forest crops and to assure the use and enjoyment of natural resources and scenic beauty for the economic and social well-being of the state and its citizens.
Island County Code Chapter 3.40, in addition to state law, governs the Public Benefits Rating System (PBRS) program in Island County. To be eligible, a property must be at least 5 acres in size and contain at least 1 open space resource. If a property includes a residence, a minimum of one 1 acre of the property, inclusive of the home-site, will not be eligible for PBRS enrollment. Read the reference guide below to learn more about open space resources. Unlike the Farm and Agriculture classification administered by the Island County Assessor, there are no income requirements for this program, rather, what open space elements are present on the property contribute to a point value that ultimately leads to a specific reduced valuation if your application is accepted.
Public Benefit Rating System Contact at Island County:
Jonathan Lange
Island County Planning Department Manager
[email protected]
(360) 678-7821
USDA's Natural Resource Conservation Service is a federal agency with field offices located throughout Washington state to assist in voluntary conservation on rural lands. NRCS offers many voluntary programs to eligible landowners and agricultural producers to provide financial and technical assistance to help manage natural resources in a sustainable manner. NRCS provides financial assistance to help plan and implement conservation practices.
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides eligible forest landowners who have an approved forest plan an opportunity to access funding assistance to help implement certain approved forest management practices on their property. If you are interested in this opportunity and wish to learn more if your property and management practices may be eligible for EQIP, contact the NRCS Forester who serves Island County residents.
Kathy Smith
[email protected]
(360) 428-7684
The Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) provides eligible forest landowners who have an approved forest plan an opportunity to access funding assistance to help implement certain approved forest management practices on their property. If you are interested in this opportunity and wish to learn more if your property and management practices may be eligible for EQIP, contact the NRCS Forester who serves Island County residents.
- To learn about Forestry & EQIP in a short introductory brochure, click here.
- To visit the EQIP FAQ page, click here.
- To learn more about how to sign-up for EQIP, click here.
Kathy Smith
[email protected]
(360) 428-7684